Friday, March 31, 2006

McKinney should go to Jail

Okay here we go again. I can't believe this crap. Proof of a Racist. Definition of Racism is hating someone because of their race. A few days ago Rep Cynthia McKinney D-GA. Slapped a Capitol PDA for doing his job. She decided to walk around a metal detector and she was stopped by the Cop. Now I am like most people I don't like to see cops anymore than anyone else. But I respect their job and their position so when they stop me for speeding he gets all the courtesy I got. Well she decides to hit the officer. Just happens the guy is white. Her excuse he is required to know the congressmen all 535 of them. I am a pretty good guy with faces and names but 535 is a little much. No reasonable person could remember all of them especially with a third of them being up for reelection every two years.

Okay so she is damn lucky. One of the guys I work with is a cop out of ten. I asked him about it what would you do. His reply. I would slam her and cuff her and arrest her on the spot.

Nope did not happen. She walked away. Well now the news has come out that she treats people bad who she feels are beneath her in status. Evidently Cynthia McKinney feels that Cops who are trying to protect her are beneath her.

Well the deems are saying not to make a big deal about it. While articles of the abuse other whites have received from her are coming to light. You are not even hearing about this on the Mainstream Media (MSM). Well Capitol PD is thinking about pressing charges. I hope they do.

But this is interesting on two fronts. McKinney has a history of being physically violent with white people. But no one has said anything about it. No one has called her what she is. If you are black and you hate whites cause they are white that is racism. Racism is bad. End of conversation. But where is jesse telling his fellow Black to get herself in check. No where you know why cause it does not benefit the liberals.

So lets call her what she is a Racist. If this was the pres or a republican or any other white person the MSM would be going crazy on the Racism charges.
What crap. Arrest the racist.

Don't forget 9/11!!!!!!!!!!
The enemy is out there and they want to destroy us and our way of life.
Be hard on terrorists.


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