Saturday, April 01, 2006

Now McKinney is a victim of Racism. What a Crock!!!

As we discussed yesterday Rep. McKinney thinks she is above the law. With the evidence against Rep. McKinney on her assault of a white capital police officer piling up against her tangible evidence like eyewitnesses and closed circuit cameras. The case doesn't look good for a Liberal caught acting like a the Wolf in sheep's clothing; that they are. So now that the Rule of law is closing in on her, what is a cooky left wing liberal to do? As with most liberals McKinney believes she is not responsible for her actions. She is merely a victim. This is called Victimization. Liberals believe that everyone is a victim. So since she is Black. She reaches for the old standard the "Race Card". She must be a victim of racism. Right, the cop was white and she was Black. Had to be a racism! The white cop could not have possibly be doing his job. The police abused her right? Her lawyer is actually pushing the idea that the whole incident occurred because she is a black congressmen. She is not responsible because she is the Victim. What a Crock!!

Has anyone out there actually looked at the make up of D.C.? It is a majority Black community. You don't last long if you are a racist in that environment. Someone would have discovered it before the incident with McKinney. Wow, people are actually electing thess cooky liberal people to represent them. Ever look and see who she gets here money from, Muslim organizations. Coincidence she was against the war on terror? Things that make you go hmmm!!!

Her lawyer claims that Rep. McKinney is a victim of excessive force by the police. Okay, I am not the smartest guy in the world but I think we have seen excessive force. Uh lets see Rodney King, Reginald Denny now that is excessive force!!! Now Rep. McKinney is putting herself in that category! That is the biggest Victimization ideology line of Crap I have ever heard. I got news for you folks out there. She was not a victim she was breaking the law and the Cop was doing his job.

What a crock of crap!!!!!!!! Obviously Rep. McKinney falls into that small group of people who are walking around out there thinking the Government owes them something. Got news for all of you out there our government does not owe anyone anything.

She was wrong! The D.C. police are right for pressing charges against her. But only a flaming liberal would choose the course of action she is taking. Reaching for the Race card and saying she is a victim of Excessive force. What a lie! The MSM is giving her a pass. If the situation was reversed someone Like Jesse Jackson would be jumping up and down. If you look for racism hard enough you can find it. Or in this case make it up if you have to! Stop the madness.

These are people in our government making the decisions about everything from defense of the nation, to educating our children. Be afraid!! Be very afraid!!!! She is in that category of people who thinks terrorists are misunderstood and need counseling.

Terrorists don't need to be understood, they need to be shot and killed. I also don't want my tax dollars paying for terrorists going to court and I especially don't want my tax dollars paying for therapy for them. I think a bullet costs less then a dollar especially if you buy in bulk. But I digress.

I hope they put Rep. McKinney in jail for being a racist and for breaking the law. Or at the very least charge her like they would you or me.

Never forget the price of freedom is paid for in blood. The enemy is out there and working to kill us!! It is up to you to elect people who want terrorists dead!


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