Monday, April 03, 2006

The enemy within!

In America there is an enemy hidden deep with in us that is slowly working to destroy the U.S. from inside. I know what some of you conspiracy theorists are thinking it is the CIA, the NSA, FBI. If you are thinking that then you are wrong. The Main Stream Media (MSM)clearly has an agenda. Their agenda is becoming more apparent with every passing year since the 2000 election.

A blind eye by the media has been turned to rampant Liberalism with in politics, but conservatism and patriotism is under a magnifying glass. Look at the things that are reported on the news, American Idol and what Britney Spears is doing; but I only get five minutes on the War in Iraq and only about the blood and gore. Nothing about the rebuilding of Iraq and Afghanistan.

Don't believe me, there is hardly any MSM networks that are out there reporting on McKinney or the Democratic politicians tied up with Abramoff. Trust me Abramoff rolled over on more Democrats then he did Republicans. The Ports Deal was an embarrassment for President Bush. His desire to support the Ports Deal I don't understand or agree with it. But you could not get near TV with out hearing about it. That is until it was released that former President Bill Clinton was advising Dubai on how to get the job done. Then the story died after Hillary said she had no idea about his involvement. So, if you believe Hillary then I have a tropical island to sell you in the middle of the Gulf of Mexico. After Hillary made her denial, which was weak at best the media dropped the whole thing. Especially since the Senate was going to kill the whole thing.

Interesting though that we did not hear anything about Clinton giving ports to China. By the way those ports are still controlled by a Chinese Government company. That country is not even a Quasi ally. Yet you did not hear anything when Clinton authorized the sale of a company that makes guidance chips for nuke missiles to a similar Chinese Company. Interesting that just a year after that sale Chinese ballistic missiles guidance got a lot better.

If you watch for the agenda it is there. Don't believe me turn off your TV for a month. Don't watch any TV for a month. Then turn it back on and see what you think about the news. Don't be surprised if you see it in a different light. Why is it okay for the MSM to push for the Katrina destruction to be a failure of the Federal System. When the biggest failure was clearly the local and state government. Look at the clean up of the area, the state and local government is still failing. You have Mayor Nagin who turns down an offer to clean up all abandoned vehicles; that would clean up all the cars in 15 weeks and pay the City 5 million. Instead he chooses a contract that will cost the City 23 million and not be completed for 6 months. This is continued failure as heinous as evacuating yourself, but not activating your own cities evacuation plan. But the victim here is New Orleans, because the Fed did not act. The state is the victim, is that the way it is presented in the MSM? That is an agenda!

The question is this, What are you going to do about it?

Never forget SEPTEMBER 11!! If you look at pictures of the Towers burning and get angry, Good for you! You should feel angry that these Bastards came to America to destroy it.



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