Thursday, April 12, 2007

Democrats Do Something

Okay I included the link on this one because well the mainstream (MSM ) won’t be paying close attention to this little letter. The reason this letter will get no attention from the MSM. Because the letter shows the democrats asleep in the driver’s seat again after just winning back control of congress.

A couple of things in this article really bother me. First the fact that the drudge report was the only one that covered it. Second that the democrats are playing politics with a war budget this is not why they won back congress. The people of the U.S. wanted an open debate on the way the war was being fought. Only small groups of American’s want us to pull out. The rest of us know

This is a dangerous measure that leaves my brothers and sisters in arms in harms way. Just because you belong to a political party who is willing to achieve peace at any price even to give up America’s freedom. Don’t achieve that political dialog by failing to support the troops. This is a clear case of actions speak words. This was not a simple mistake this is a political statement that screams that democrats are willing to not fund the service men and women fighting to establish the first true democracy in an Arab world.

By the way all you politicians need to Get off your butts and remember United We Stand… Divided We Fall…

Democrats cut the crap fund the boys and you will be much more successful then if you keep up this crap.