Wednesday, September 13, 2006


Okay this is for all of you who have been sleeping under a rock for the last 5 years. We are at war with an enemy who wants to kill us or enslave us to their warped and twisted ideology. You might have noticed that the title of this entry was Round 5. That is because AMERICA NEEDS TO WAKE THE F*CK UP!!!!!! This is a 15 round fight to the death. If you don't see it that way… your wrong! I have now seen the face of this enemy on two different countries and two different wars. These Islamic whack jobs want to kill us and they are all connected. Believe it!!!

So I am calling out the liberals. Starting with the feminazis; If I hurt you little feelings then get some thicker skin, you feminazis are all about bashing conservative values but I have not seen one of you American haters on T.V. denouncing the treatment of women in Islamic countries. You want to wear a burkha and have your clit removed. Then I recommend you support appeasing and capitulating to the f*cking Islamic fascists thugs. I chose to fight! I love the women in my life way to much to let that happen on my watch. Why are you willing to let it happen on yours?

For those of you calling for the total pull out of Iraq. I got this for you to think about. You ready? Where would you like to fight these Islamic Fascists here in the U.S. or in some third world country like Iraq? Cause trust me if we pull out of Iraq even if the Islamic fascists are on their last legs those losers will declare victory and take it to the streets of America. So what do you think? You want to fight in Iraq or in the streets of your hometown. There is nothing you can do to dissuade them. This is the new Crusade!! Wake up you cowards.

Eco-terrorists. That's right I called you a terrorist cause that is what most of you naïve bastards really are… terrorists!! If you have to blow up cars to make a statement then you are no better then the losers that blew up the twin towers. Just in case you think you might be on the right side of all of this ask yourself this one question. Do you want the U.S. to look like a desert? Trust me Iraq is a desert not from lack of water but from lack of care and cultivation of the land. If you want that to happen then just keep supporting your liberal wacko's that want to appease the enemy. You can't buy these people off they are crazy.

I understand how rough war is first hand. I have been to it twice in less then two years. One of my good friend is a triple amputee. Oh by the way he is a soldier. He is also the first triple amputee to walk out of Walter Reed. He does not want us to quit this fight. That is what it is. A fight!!! This round 5! These guys need to be fought and killed. I encourage you to find some pictures of 9/11 and look at them every day. When it makes you angry lend your support to any person in politics that wants to keep you safe from these bastards. Other wise look at your daughters and ask yourself would she look good in a Burkha.



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