Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Move to the Sound of the Guns

“Move to the Sound of the Guns”

I know many of you are reading the title of this blog and wondering what the heck is this guy talking about? Then there are those who have served in the military and understand that the saying above is a mentality that tells you to attack the enemy where ever the enemy is being engaged. So why would this blogger put this saying as the title of this blog? I am glad you asked. Because this is your call to act before it is too late; before you wake up in an America where the government takes from you whatever they like either with the pen or by force.

Since the mid term elections of 2006 the United States of America has taken a slow turn towards the political left (read socialism). This is not news to many of you who actually read and think for yourselves. It is also not news for many of you who watch the Fox News channel. Since the 2008 elections our nation has begun moving to a form of Socialism not seen since the Fall of the former Soviet Union. Is this the America you want for yourselves, what about for your children?

The progressive movement is filled with two types. The first is the group that has been surviving ever since the Socialist/Communist movement crept into our country long before the 60s. The first group has been secretly wishing to turn the most free nation in the history of the world into the U.S.S.A(The United Socialist States of America). They have always known that a hardcore Socialism/Communist/Fascist takeover could never seize power by force in America. The progressive movement would have to work from the inside; corrupting the American values of Independence and Individualism before they could begin to control the American people. It would have to twist these two values to mean something that everyone could despise equally. Independence to government control has been renamed everything from Extremism, Fascism, and even Racism. So now Independence is despised and needs to be controlled and your letting it happen. Individualism has been renamed as greedy people, racist people, and unpatriotic Americans. Individualism has been redefined as something evil and greedy and must be controlled by the all powerful Government. Now that they have won this War of words redefining our Values the progressive liberals have gotten the vast majority of Americans; many who are just sheep, willing to go along with their progressive liberal plans. These sheep are for whoever is in charge as long as they are secure.

The second group is the naïve; they believe that all government is really here to help people create a utopian society. A society that is free of pain and hard work where everyone is the same. These are true sheep they follow without questioning the motives of their leaders; all the while their leaders are taking them to the slaughter. The progressive liberals say things like you have the right to healthcare, we should have the power taken from the rich (in the form of taxes) after all the rich are just lucky; the rich have not earned their wealth they have just stolen it from you. The sheep just sign over the power because of jealousy and envy. All the while the naïve are missing the point that once you agree to give that kind of power to the government to take from the rich then the Government also has the power to take from you: the struggling. Unrestrained power corrupts absolutely, and every time. The first group uses this flawed thinking to manipulate the majority of the second group. If you think I am making all of this up then you must be blind to what has been happening in the U.S. since the reduex swearing in of our New President.

For over a year we have been looking at a dead sprint to Socialism. All done for the good of the American people; you see the progressives in control believe we have to be saved from ourselves, our religion, our right to bear arms, and our capitalists ways. But you have heard this all before, by the likes of guys with names like, Andrew Wilkow, Mark Levine, Michael Savage, Dick Morris, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck and even a few in the political elite class like Sarah Palin that this was the way the nation was going but what are they doing about it? For the most part they are informing and letting you decide what needs to be done about this “Fundamental Change” some like Glenn Beck are pleading and begging you to get involved. With the exception of the Tea Party movement there has been no real movement, by the right, conservatives, or strict constructionists or anyone with any common sense.

Every bill that has come to Washington has to be done “right now” to “save the nation.” But every time the Progressive controlled Democrat party which controls majority in both houses has been passing spending legislation all in the name of helping “the people.” But with each bill they pass we get a little closer to economic collapse.(see the link to (Clowerd/Piven) Even our main creditor Communist China is skeptical of the path we are on and has even asked our new President how we are going to pay for all this spending. That is like having the bank that owns your mortgage look at your personal spending habits of your family and saying, “hey if you keep spending like this we are not going to give you any more credit because you are not going to pay us back.” To any normal group with a shred of common sense this would be red flagged to stop spending. But not to the administration that needs every crisis it can to further enslave you. We have been living in a Soft tyranny for awhile now. A federal government that is so oppressive that it invades our day to day lives each and every day. Right now we are getting to the Tipping point where the soft tyranny can easily move to a Hard Tyranny where the federal government controls the economy, medical, and outlaws what it wants and citizenry can not do anything.

So this is about saying “ENOUGH!” in a clear united voice. This is about saying we are committed to Moving to the sound of the Guns attacking the enemy where ever we can find them. Attacking them at the very source of their power and dismantling those institutions that allow them to remain in power. Yes we will point out what is going on in the country but unlike the Glenn Beck’s of the world we are going to give your marching orders. Move to the sound of the guns! Before it is too late!

Here is what you can do to dismantle this Progressive/Socialist government that has taken hold of America. Get off your butt and get involved. Go to every single Democrat town hall meeting and question the things that they are saying. I recommend you go in a group the larger the better. You will have to make them listen. They are cowards at heart that is why they embrace the peace at any cost movement. They fear losing their seat of power more than anything else. Without the power and strength of government to seize your money and spend it on their foolish causes, the progressives can not convince you to go along on the strength of the principles of their arguments. Because these arguments don’t pass the common sense test of life experience.

Research the candidates to include the ones you have now. Google is an amazing thing and you already know that the Lame stream media will not actually do any real research other than to support the progressive liberals and bash anyone that is not for the left. If you find a conservative candidate then support them with your time and money. When you research the senators and representatives you currently have now find out how they are voting. If they are voting for spending and expansion of government powers than they are not meeting the standard. If your elected officials are pushing the progressive movement either by supporting or failing to resist the encroachment of your liberties then get motivated and start petitions and protests to have them removed from the offices of trust that you bestowed upon them. Special elections are a wonderful thing.

Question with Boldness everything that gives you cause to pause. Does anyone else think it’s bizarre that the movement who said, “don’t trust anyone over 30” is now saying trust the government and don’t question just follow. Ask yourself why? Then when you answer that question ask yourself “why” to that answer. Do this about 5 times and you will usually get to the heart of their goal? Power they want it so they can enslave you to their political ideology.

Many a war has been won by attacking an enemy from within while he is busy focusing on external matters. I recommend you attack them at their base; their home states and districts. Organize, Protest, Volunteer, Donate and Work with constitutional lobbyists.
Do it now before it is too late! Before you wake up and find the government at your door demanding your guns or whatever else the government wants to confiscate from you. NOW IS THE TIME TO RESIST! WHILE IT CAN STILL BE DONE PEACEFULLY!!

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