Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Obama a Disgrace to his country

You may have heard about this, but a picture is definitely worth 1000 words! God save us!!! RespectSenator Barack Obama, Governor Bill Richardson, Senator Hillary Clinton and Ruth Harkin stand during the national anthem.Barack Hussein Obama's photo (that's his r eal name)......the article said he REFUSED TO NOT ONLY PUT HIS HAND ON HIS HEART DURING THE PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE, BUT REFUSED TO SAY THE PLEDGE.....how in the can a man like this expect to be our next Commander-in-Chief????
I am sad that a man who was blessed with living in american and epitomizes the american dream holds so much contempt for our way of life. This is a man will do more to harm the country then he will to improve it. Ironic that he does not believe the very ideals that have made this country great and afforded him oppurtunities to succeed. This is the only country in the world that a child born in a concentration camp run by the army and grow up to lead the army.


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